INFINITE創·聚 Supports the 3rd IEEAC Entrepreneurship &Innovation Challenge

INFINITE創·聚 Supports the 3rd IEEAC Entrepreneurship &Innovation Challenge

INFINITE 創 • 聚 Supports the 3rd IEEAC Entrepreneurship &Innovation Challenge and is Accepting Applications until Oct 11!

HK X-Tech Startup Platform is returning to organize the Hong Kong Competition. INFINITE 創 • 聚 Supports the 3rd IEEAC Entrepreneurship &Innovation Challenge and is Accepting Applications from INFINITE 創 • 聚 members until Oct 11. Startups with visionary and innovative solutions in fields of IT, Culture & Creative, Smart City, FinTech, BioTech, Environmental Technology, Advanced Manufacturing, and New Agriculture are welcome to apply! Winners will be able to pitch, represent HK in the National Grand Finale in November, and access cross-border resources!

Application: INFINITE 創 • 聚 WhatsApp 9855 1344.


關於INFINITE 創 • 聚

INFINITE 聚的共享工作間及初創孵化器位處香港沙中綫、啟德及新蒲崗商貿區三個巨型發展區的中心,佔地12,000呎,為香港特別行政區投資推廣署INVESTHK及社創基金SIE Fund推介及認可的共享工作間,配備了初創孵化器的軟硬件配套及支援,目前滙聚了中港兩地以至海外的初創企業、自由工作者、各種創業家及專業人士,創建出多元化的工作社區。

關於香港 X 科技創業平台



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